Why does Islam forbid usury? And to rule that it is forbidden?
In the name of God the Merciful ..
Peace be upon you and God's mercy and blessings ..
To Why Allaislam forbid usury? And to rule that it is forbidden?
In the name of God, thank God, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah, and after:
The prohibition of usury reason that is not associated with wisdom, as it is the duty of a Muslim to obey the command of God is forbidden, and the prohibition of usury in many respects, in terms of moral, economic and social.
At that Sheikh Al-Qaradawi says:
Islam while in command stressed usury and confirmed his sanctity, but took into account the interest of human morals and its economy.
The scholars of Islam said in the wisdom of the prohibition of usury and reasonable Guha, recent studies have revealed valid and confirmed and increased.
Suffice including Imam Razi said in his Tafseer:
First: that usury human requires taking money from non-Awad. Because of selling DRAM Bdrhmin gets his increase of AED is Awad and human capital related to its need, and has great sanctity, as in the hadeeth: "the inviolability of human capital as sacred blood" Fujb be taking money from non-Awad taboo.
Second: that relying on usury prevents people from engaging gains because the dirham if managed by a usury from the collection of DRAM excess cash was or نسيئة, slippers upon the acquisition of the living, there is hardly bear the hardship of earning and trade and industry labor and this will lead to the interruption of benefits Creation . It is understood that the interests of the world are not organized only Baltjarat and crafts and industries and buildings.
(There is no doubt that this accepted wisdom from an economic standpoint)
Third: It may lead to interruption known among the people of the loan; because usury forbids Tabat souls dirham loan and retrieval like him, though usury solution to the need needy afford taking DRAM Bdrhmin, leads to the interruption of sympathy and charity known.
(This explanation of the moral Muslim).
Fourth: that the lender often be rich, and the borrower is poor Saying Btjoaz contract usury enable rich take from the poor weak money plus it is not permissible mercy Rahim.
(These look to the side of social).
This means that the usury which squeeze the weak for the benefit of the strong, and its result to grow rich richer and the poor poorer. Leading to inflation layer of society at the expense of another layer or layers which creates grudges, and precipitate the fire of conflict between some of it with some community, and leads to radical revolutions and destructive principles. As history has shown near the risk of usury and usurers on politics and government and local and international security all.
And God knows